Sacraments for Children

The sacraments are celebrations Christ gives the Church.  They are powerful signs of God’s grace in our lives.


Baptisms are usually celebrated on Sundays after our 10:00 am Mass.  To help parents better understand the importance of baptism into the Catholic Church, as well as the rituals and symbolism of the baptism celebration, we ask all parents to participate in a preparation session. Contact us to inquire about celebrating a baptism at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation for children already baptised

The process of completing sacramental initiation for children already baptised is family-based, parish-centred and school-supported. In this way, children are brought up to be full members of a community of faith.

The sacraments of confirmation and eucharist are celebrated at such time parents believe their children have reached the age of reason (although the parish does determine a minimum age limit). The sacrament of penance is also celebrated with children as part of the journey, before first communion.

Children and parents engage in a period of preparation in the midst of the parish community before the celebration of each sacrament. Parents are supported in their responsibility and privilege as first educators of the faith to their children.

More information and enrolment for the Sacramental Process in 2024 will be available from Sunday 28 January 2024. The link below will be live from 28 January.