Register as a Parishioner

Are you new to our parish? If you are, then you’re most welcome.  Completing the form below will help us to get to know you better and to keep our records current.

Alternatively, if you are already a parishioner of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and your details have changed, you can use this form to notify the parish office.

Would you like us to contact you about that ways that you can financially support the parish?(required)

First member


If you have other people in your household to register, please continue. Otherwise, please scroll to the bottom and click the Submit button.


Please complete if applicable


If you have other people in your household to register, please continue. Otherwise, please scroll to the bottom and click the Submit button.


First child


Sacraments received

If you have other children in your household to register, please continue. Otherwise, please scroll to the bottom and click the Submit button.

Second child


Sacraments received

If you have other children in your household to register, please continue. Otherwise, please scroll to the bottom and click the Submit button.

Third child


Sacraments received

If you have other children in your household to register, please continue. Otherwise, please scroll to the bottom and click the Submit button.

Fourth child


Sacraments received