Parish Groups and Ministries

There’s lots happening in our parish, and many things you can contribute to. To get in touch with any of these groups or organisations, contact us.

Catholic Women’s League

The Catholic Women’s League has groups in parish communities around Australia. It provides a voice for Catholic women by addressing social and moral issues affecting family life, particularly of women and children. It works with Church leaders to fulfil the mission of the Church, especially in areas of social justice, and engaging with other Christian churches and religious groups.  The CWL branch meets monthly on Wednesday mornings.

Church cleaning

Cleaning is done fornightly on a Thursday morning after 9:00 am Mass.  Helping out with tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, sweeping and glass cleaning helps care for our church and makes it a welcoming place for people to pray and worship.

East Timor Support Group

The East Timor support group assists the parish by leading its fund raising efforts for the parish of Zumalai, East Timor, which is also in the care of the Carmelites of Australia and East Timor.  It also liaises with other groups and parishes who support the East Timor Mission and provides updates and information about East Timor and Zumalai to the wider parish community.  The committee meets monthly on Wednesday evenings.

Ignite Youth Group

Our parish youth group provides a range of opportunities, including Masses, Bible study and social gatherings to help young people feel connected with others who share their faith.

Lay Carmelites

The Lay Carmelites are a group of men and women who form an integral part of the Caremelite family and have made a life commitment try to live out the Carmelite way of life in the ordinary circumstances of their family and social life.  Monthly meetings on Sunday mornings provide opportunities for prayer and formation in Carmelite spirituality, as well as growing together in friendship and a deeper commitment to the values of Carmelite life.

Liturgical ministries

There are a variety of ministries parishioners can participate in to contribute to the liturgical life of our parish.  Further information about each of these ministries can be found on our Liturgy site by clicking the links below.

Acolytes and Altar Servers assist the priest with the celebration of the Mass, particularly through processions, and service at the presider’s chair and altar.  Men can be instituted as acolytes after undergoing formation provided by the Diocese.  Any parishioner who has celebrated First Communion can be a junior or senior (adult) server.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is usually celebrated during the school terms at one of our Sunday morning Masses.  The gospel reading is proclaimed, broken open and responded to in ways suited to the needs of children by leaders and helpers who prepare and lead the liturgy on a rostered basis.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Masses, or by taking Communion to the sick and housebound.

Hospitality is provided by greeters who welcome people before Mass and assist with enquiries, and by kitchen volunteers who assist with the serving of tea and coffee after Mass.

Media Ministers manage the display of hymn lyrics and other texts as required during Mass.

Ministers of the Word proclaim the scripture readings at Mass, provide information and guidance to parishioners as required through the commentary and lead the Prayer of the Faithful on a rostered basis.

Music Ministers lead the parish in song at Mass.

Among the various groups are our Parish Choir, who lead the singing at the 10:00 am Mass two to three Sundays a month, as well as on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas.  Rehearsals are held weekly on Monday evenings prior to Easter and Christmas, and at other times as advertised in Carmel.

Our Children’s Choir provide music on the second Sunday of the month at 10:00 am Mass, and on the third and fourth Sundays of the month at the 6:00 pm Saturday Mass. Rehearsals are on the third Saturday of every month from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Children under 7 must be accompanied by a parent.

Other music groups lead music at different Masses, with their own leaders and rehearsal schedules.

Sacristans ensure that the sanctuary and requisites for communion are prepared prior to Mass, and contribute to the care and maintenance of the sacristy and its contents.  Volunteers assist the sacristans by washing and ironing church linen.

Wardens conduct the collections taken up at Sunday Masses and assist with the orderly and reverent celebration of the Mass by assisting and ushering the assembly when required.

Special Religious Educators (Catechists)

The Special Religious Educators (SREs) or Catechists are volunteers who teach Religious Education classes to Catholic children in the State Primary Schools located in our parish.  The classes are held weekly and last for approximately half an hour.  Regular meetings of the parish catechists are held for mutual support and discussion.

Support and backup are always available and excellent resources for children and teachers are given. Student learning is directed by the curriculum Christ, Our Light and Life, and training courses for Educators are conducted regularly by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Parramatta, in collaboration with the Institute for Mission.

St Vincent de Paul Society

The Wentworthville St Vincent de Paul Society Conference is involved in helping the community on a number of levels: some members visit people in their homes, offering advice and assistance; a number of people enjoy working in the Vinnies Shop in Dunmore Street; others are involved in a variety of special works that Vinnies engages in.

Local conference meetings are held fortnightly on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.